How To: Practice at Home for the Holidays

Most people, it's safe to say, have a love/hate relationship with the winter holidays. While it's undoubtedly a time of family, giving, receiving, and overall holiday spirit... it's also a time of stress, traffic, planning, and chaos.

I deal with the madness by secluding myself and creating a quiet, zen space where I can do my practice and find some peace.

1. Find your space

On my brand new mat from Affirmats :)

I think lighting can be a very important element in a yoga practice. Just as we face the sun for our sun salutation, and turn down the lights for savasana, the lights can set the mood for a whole yoga practice. 

2. Add Music

Below I've embedded a great Spotify playlist to get you through a 45 minute practice (the playlist is actually exactly 45 minutes... I got lucky!) - complete with an opening/closing sequence of Tibetian Singing Bowls, and a 6 minute song for savasana. This playlist is full of funky yoga beats that will get you excited to practice!

3. Try Something New

Practicing at home is a great opportunity to try a new pose, or ones that you thought you couldn't do before. It's great because when you're alone, no one else can judge you! For example, just the other day I tried dragonfly for the first time at home, with the help of this great video I found on Youtube. Granted, I only held the pose for a breath, but now I have the confidence to keep going forward knowing that I can do it!

Even though practicing alone means that there's no one else there to judge you, make sure you don't start judging yourself. Show gratitude to yourself that you took the time to practice! In solitude, you are the only witness to your mistakes. Embrace your mistakes, and learn from them to come out stronger next time. For example, trying to do this Sirasana variation below, I lowered my front leg too far too fast and just toppled over. But after having experienced that sensation, I was less afraid of falling from then on! But if I was in a yoga class, I probably wouldn't have bothered trying that variation at all. This is why practicing alone is so beneficial - you have the freedom to look at silly as you want without an audience. :)

I did this variation of Sirasana (headstand) for the first time at home!

4. Or Just Relax

Being at home is also a great place to take a step back. You're in no rush - there's no teacher or class to keep up with. Listen to your body; go at your own pace! Above all, honor yourself.

5. Turn It Upside Down

Since it seems like everything turns upside down during the holidays, I like to do inversions to keep up with the times. Also, going on your head reverses the blood flow in the body and improves circulation.

You don't necessarily have to do headstand... downward-facing dog and forward fold count as inversions too!

6. Cool down with some hot tea.

There's nothing like a calming cup of herbal tea after a home yoga practice (or any yoga practice, for that matter). I love this blend from Yogi Tea! If you're looking to relax, go for green or white tea blends with peppermint, chamomile, and lavender. If you're looking for energy, go for black teas with orange or bergamot.

Enjoy your home practice - Happy Holidays!

- Sarah (The Sunshine Yogi)

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